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The city is governed by a City Council of twenty one people. Fourteen of the council are voted for by citizens, a term that refers to any adult man or woman with property or an income above a certain amount. The remaining seven are appointed by the Merchant's League, justified by the city's reliance on the League for its economy. The head of this council is the Viceroy, one of the twenty one members and voted for by the other twenty. The Viceroy and his council oversee a system of Magisters, based upon the Imperial model but without such a rigid hierarchy.

The civic authorities control the Harbour Patrol (customs and excise), the Watch and the judicial system, but there is constant friction over jurisdiction with the League, which has its own internal police force (the Agents), courts of arbitration and "dues collectors". Cases can be long and drawn out as they are shifted back and forth between the League and the civic authorities.

Given the realities of the situation - half the population is a member of the League, the other half pretty much depend on the League for employment - and given that the League Navy is the primary defensive force of the City, it's not an intellectual leap to understand who really rules Llaza. Of course Thieves-town is pretty much off limits to all authorities and is ruled by the criminal fraternity.

Anhui River States
Places of Interest
Life in Llaza
The Merchant's League